Anarchy-an original Creepypasta

It friday night or "family" night with me and my father in our lakeside home playing monopoly to try and get along more seeing as how my mother died when i was three years old. It actually surprised me that he chooses to start this bonding process when i am 15 and not earlier, when it would have really affected me. But i guess that doesn't matter since i still get to spend some time with him. I know its stupid but i actually love monopoly and thinks its sort of a nice idea he wants to bond more, though like i said im 15 and i have better things to do. Like...umm...okay, fine. Im a lonely loser with no friend who has nothing better to do and this is probably the most attention i'll ever get. Its still better than nothing i suppose. But man do we have the worst of luck,right in the middle of the game the power went out and i had all the railways and the green section. Might as well get some laterns from the basement to try and lighten the area more. So i grab the flashlight next to the front door, since we always keep that, an umbrella, a gas mask and a cane there just in case we ever need that stuff. I went down to the basement with my flashlight and got the only two laterns we had, only getting my face caught in a spiderweb twice. Geez, those are annoying, but at least they're only in the basement and sometimes the bathroom. I walk back upstairs to find my dad making a sandwich. But only for him, cause you know i dont need to ever eat and stuff. I feel sort of guilty to say this but the only thing he can do right is keep a spare lighter with him at all times. He was a former smoker who sometimes gets and urge so he carries the lighter with him in case he buys one. So i asked him for the lighter and I set the candles already in the latern on fire on the tip. Placed one latern on the table next the window and the other on the kitchen counter. At last we have some light, but my dad decides he wants to take a nap and tell me to check if any lightbulbs broke. Why do i have to do all the work around here...i guess it isnt much but its still bothersome to me. As he said i went upstairs to the bathroom first to check if the lightbulbs broke, didnt seem like they were broken, except the one in the shower, which looked cracked. I stepped in the tub to see if a shard was on the floor of the tub and thankfully there wasnt. And now here comes my real bad luck. When i look up i see a huge black widow and as any normal human being i let out a scream that sent my father running up the steps, but on the way up he bumped into the table with the latern making it fall over and burn our carpet, beginning a small fire that was going to grow, but since my father ran up the steps faster than a cheetah he didnt even notice. So when he walked him he sees me whacking the spider with my flashlight, i must look like a real man now dont I...I wipe my hands on my white hoodie and feel a sharp pain.he pulls me out and checks me in the mirror for any bite marks and im happy to find out i didnt get bitten. But when i looked into the mirror myself and saw i had bags under my eyes, i guess thats what i get for staying up for two nights watching internet por-...anyways, as i was saying i was looking into the mirror and i saw my hands were bloody and so was my shirt, i guess i broke the glass on the flashlight and cut myself which is what that sharp pain was. Man do i feel dumb...My father goes back downstairs but walks into the dining room to eat the sandwich he placed there earlier until he looks foward and not at the sandwich to see the fire, he runs back upstairs to get me out of the bathroom since i was cleaning up with my towel, but he forgot the gas mask he had downstairs next to the door, as he is running downstairs he tells me to wait upstairs so i dont get hurt, as he runs down the steps he falls down for being to quick, banging his head on the floor pretty hard, making him slightly dissy, but he got the gas mask and ran back upstairs falling at the last step. He screams at me to put it on and i did just as he told me since I really had no other option. I try to pick him up but the wooden beams in the upper flooring upper flooring gave into the fire and it just opened a hole which made my father fall down into the fire, I know I cant save him so i jump over the hole and run straight to my room which was also on the second floor, as I bash into the room i grab the knife under my bed that i use to cut myself with in case i run into any racoons or bears outside, yes im a lonely emo with no friends who watches porn, big deal...I know i cant go throught the front door obviously, so i jump out the window like they do in the movies to feel no pain, and trust me when i tell you that it does hurt. I run as fast as I can far away from my home not looking back. Only remembering my father falling to his death. I run until I was in the nearby town, and i go to the closest house there wanting to knock but instead i sit at the doorstep just crying for my loss, having the memory of his death flash in my head over and over again. He didnt deserve to die, he was a loving father who only wanted to bond. If only people got to feel the pain i feel right fact...i might just go ahead and make them feel that pain first hand. I walk around the home i sat in front of until i find the room with a man all alone. He must live a lonely life like me, which means nobody will notice him gone except family, which is a small start but its still something ill enjoy. I didnt care how i killed him at all, so i jumped right in through the window, grabbed one of the glass shards and stabbed him in the head nine times before he was able to react. I stash the shard in my pocket, and went into the kitchen to grab a knife for much easier and cleaner killing than a random object. I exit the same way i enter and run away from there, to move on to other make people suffer like i did, ill bring sorrow and despair, but with my recklessness as well, ill cause anarchy...